HDPE Pipe Sizes
At WL Plastics, we specialize in manufacturing high-quality high-density polyethylene (HDPE) piping in a variety of sizes, tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries and applications.
We Carry a Range of Pipe Sizes to Suit Various Applications.
At WL Plastics, we manufacture high-density polyethylene (HDPE) piping in sizes ranging from ¾” to 54” diameters. Depending on the application and required specifications, or HDPE pipes come in IPS, CTS, DIPS, and SIDR sizes.
We carry a range of pipe sizes to suit various applications. The following resources are helpful when selecting the right pipe size for a specific application:
• WL 102: This size chart lists the IPS (Iron Pipe Size) pipe sizes and pressure class ratings for our HDPE 4710 pipe with IPS sizes ranging from ¾” to 54”.
• WL 104: This size chart lists the DIPS (Ductile Iron Pipe Size) and DIOD (Ductile Iron Outside Diameter) pipe sizes and pressure class ratings for our PE4710 pipe. The chart includes DIPS sizes ranging from 4 to 36.
• WL 116: This PDF provides helpful information about WL Plastics pipe standards. It includes tables with outer diameter (OD) size and dimension ratio (DR) for piping in various industries.
• WL 129: This document provides IPS and CTS (Copper Tubing Size) sizes for gas distribution piping per ASTM D2513.
• WL 130: This resource provides IPS and DIPS pipe sizes for Class 200, 250, and 335 PE4710 FM Approved Pipe, including IPS sizes ranging from 2 to 36 and DIPS sizes ranging from 4 to 36.
• WL 130M: This PDF lists the metric pipe sizes available for Class 200 (13.8), 250 (17.2), and 335 (23.1) PE4710 FM Approved Pipe, with metric sizes ranging from 50 to 1000.
HDPE Pipe Size FAQs
In 2021 the Build America Buy America Act was enacted to bolster infrastructure spending. This Act replaced the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
In accordance with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Section 1605, WL Plastics Corporation manufactured polyethylene pipe in manufacturing plants in the United States of America. All WL Plastics polyethylene pipe products meet CFR 49 Part 661 and are marked to identify the manufacturing sites in America.
Ductile iron pipe size, or DIPS, was created in 1948 when iron pipe wall thicknesses were more controllable and a required inside diameter (ID) could be maintained. The DIPS pipe sizing system is the predominant sizing system used in potable water and sewer applications still today.
Copper Tubing Size, or CTS, are used for small diameter tubing applications such as gas distribution services, or potable water services.
Standard Inside Diameter Ratios, or SIDR, are predominantly used in conduit applications where a consistent ID is required. While SIDR pipe is available for potable water applications, it is rarely sold and is being phased out. It was recently removed from AWWA C901 in their 2020 revision.
The standard dimensional ratio, or SDR, describes the geometry of a pipe. It compares the nominal OD to the pipe’s minimum wall thickness. If the SDR is high, that means the walls of the pipe are thinner at any given diameter. The DR, or dimension ratio, is a term that is interchangeable with SDR. They have the same definition which can sometimes cause confusion.
The majority of HDPE pipe production is regulated by the outer diameter (OD) and wall thickness tolerances, resulting in an "average ID" (inner diameter) that can vary depending on these factors. In contrast, less common ID-controlled pipes are manufactured with a specified inner diameter and wall thickness tolerance, leading to an outer diameter that varies based on the ID and wall thickness tolerances.

WL Plastics
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